July 1 brings glad tidings for Red Dead Redemption 2 players thanks to a modder SerjRozov who has uploaded a Red Dead Redemption 2 mod named Law that revamps the crime system in Rockstar’s open world game. The mod aims to elicit responses that closely mirror real-life with regard to the logical legal response to criminal behavior.
• Law dispatch timing does really depend on a distance from town with this Red Dead Redemption 2 mod because the map is divided into zones – rural (~500m,), local (~1km), wilderness (untill the map ends). So no more instant lawmen in the middle of nowhere. Unless you’re “lucky” enough to stumble on a random patrol group. The chance of it spawning though is 15%.
• Beware both local and wilderness dispatch groups are now searching for you with dogs.
• Dispatch group itself depends on a type of a crime a witness reported. Low severity crimes won’t bring law’s attention in the wild. Though there are regions in the game now that won’t get law’s attention even if it’s a medium severity crime.
• Bounty level for a number of crimes you’ve committed will also impact on the amount of lawmen coming to hunt you down.
• If you nailed down the dispatch group in the local/wilderness areas – dispatch will end, untill the next witness. Rural lawmen will have reinforcements if you’ll decide to gun them down.
• Bounty Hunter groups are also changed. At a certain point you’ll meet Marshals and Pinkertons.
• All regions have been treated, except: Guarma, Aquasdulces, Elnido, Manicato, Sisika, Wapiti, Occupied Caravan Camp. Those will be added in the next update.
• Each town got its own treatment in this Red Dead Redemption 2 mod. Remember how Marshals just spawned outside of Valentine’s saloon? Now they’ll get into small towns on a wagon. Pinkertons, dogs, US army, gatling wagons.
• Gatling wagon can be seen in Valentine and Saint Denis rural areas and was made to be used with SergeantJoe‘s mod: 6th Star specifically – GatlingWagons.asi file that you’ll find inside his mod’s folder).
• Every crime is there, nothing has been disabled. It’s just some of them now work a little different.
• Now you won’t be sentenced for Assault, Lasso Assault, Unarmed Assault, Disturbance if those were motivated by Self Defence reasons.
• Unarmed Assault can be triggered if you started it, though you have time to change your mind. If you ended up knocking out a ped, law will make you a suggestion to leave. If you are a serial
killer“boxer” they’ll hunt you. Since the game can’t differ man and woman ped I had to make this compromise.• Hassling isn’t a crime untill the
godlaw notice. It’s a kinda compromise too since R* binded a couple of different crimes into one here.• Intimidation can now be witnessed not only by law.
• Law now reacts to Explosion, Arson crimes more adequately in towns. In wilderness witness must see you to take action.
• No one will snitch on your gun practicing in the wild now. Just respect private property.
• Most of the crimes now actually oblige witness to see you to report on you.
• Added changed time of day and weather condition dependencies on ped perceptions, added changed gang type combat skills and weapon accuracy. Changed some ridiculous law reactions on a petty crimes. Changed some prices for crimes.
For more, check the details of how this Red Dead Redemption 2 mod works in the videos below. The credit for this discovery goes to courtesy DSOGaming.
RDR2 Mod: LAW (Demo – Law Timings / ~1km from town)