If you’re experiencing issues after installing the new Windows 10 version 1803 April 2018 update, here is what you need to do in order to uninstall the Windows 10 Spring Creators Update. Major Windows update sometimes doesn’t work as intended due to any number of reasons. Such errors are common when you install a feature-packed update, such as the version 1803, on devices with older hardware as they’re not well equipped to handle extra workload of new changes. In this guide, you’ll learn how to remove Windows 10 version 1803 and return to the previous working version.
Windows 10 April 2018 (version 1803) is rolling out automatically as a free update on supported devices. The update will be pushed via the default Windows Update utility on most desktop, laptop and tablets. Though you can also install the Springs Creators Update for 2018 via the Update Assistant or the Windows Media Creation Tool using ISO Files to create a bootable USB. These methods are for those who don’t want to wait for the release of automatic over-the-air update, which could be weeks or months away.
However, the introduction of new features is not always smooth sailing as glitches could surface as a result of some sort of compatibility issue. Microsoft acknowledges that certain performance errors are expected on some devices in the first few months after the release of a big Windows update. That’s why the company offers users an option to revert to the previously installed version of Windows until the bugs are culled in subsequent releases.
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So if you’re PC is running the version 1803, there is a time to uninstall the update during the first ten days since the upgrade was installed. This option is available in the recovery options. See the steps below for it.
How To Uninstall Windows 10 April 2018 (Springs Creators Update) Version 1803
The process to downgrade from the Windows 10 April 2018 update to a previous version is straightforward. But it is recommended that you always check for new updates first, as there could be a fix to the problem you’re having with the current version.
Note: Before following this guide, create a full backup of your system as the process involves making significant changes to your computer’s operating system.
If you’re facing an issue whose solution is available online, do try it before reverting to the previous version. Some issues could easily be resolved by a simple restart, or referring to online tutorials. When nothing else seems to fix the issue, you can use the following steps to rollback older version and remove the Windows 10 version 1803. Here are the steps:
1 – Open Settings.
2 – Click Update & Security.
3 – Click on Recovery.
4 – Under “Go back to the previous version of Windows 10”, click the Get started button.
5 – Select an answer why you’re going back to previous version.
6 – Click the Next button.
7 – Click the No, thanks button on “Check for updates?” dialogue box.
8 – Now read the repercussions of uninstalling the Windows 10 version 1803 from your PC, and click the Next button.
9 – Hit the Next button. Make sure to remember your system password as it will required to successfully downgrade Windows to previous version.
10 – Now click Go back to earlier build to start the rollback process.
11 – Once you have completed the steps, the setup process will take over and automatically roll back your PC to the previous version of Windows 10.
12 – All done.
If you do not see the ‘Go back to the previous version of Windows 10’ option, there are a few things at play here.
Windows 10 is designed to save a copy of the previous version on the C:\ drive, inside a folder called Windows.old, on every upgrade in case the installation process fails or downgrade becomes unavoidable.
If the installation of a new update goes through successfully, the Windows.old folder will remain on your device, and you can use the above guide to manually remove Windows 10 version 1803 from your PC. However, if you don’t see the Windows.old folder, you won’t be able to uninstall the update using the steps mentioned above.
Another reason you don’t see this option is when you attempt downgrade after the 10 days of the original installation. Since the Windows.old folder takes up precious space on your device, and to free up space for more important files, Windows automatically deletes the previous version folder after 10 days of installation. In this case, you won’t be able to return to a previous version.
If you have the Windows.old folder, but don’t see the option to revert back to a previous version, then the reason could be something else. In that case, you can clean install Windows 10 using an ISO file that contains the older version you want to install on your computer.