How To Enable WhatsApp Dark Mode On iOS 11

This tutorial will guide you through the steps to enable WhatsApp Dark Mode for iOS 11 iPhone and iPad. Apple is notorious for keeping a tight leash on customization. This practice extends to applications available on its iOS and Mac OS. WhatsApp for iOS is not as open when it comes to allowing users to make certain changes as on Android. Apple’s doesn’t favor the use of custom tweaks in iOS apps, at least not to the extent available on Android, at the cost of overall user experience in some cases. On the upside, this makes iOS much more responsive, swift, glitch-free, and reliable for daily tasks. However, when it comes to customizing app’s appearance and look, there is no room for tinkering in iOS. WhatsApp on Android can be changed whatever way the user likes, there are plenty of options available in this regard. But on iOS, thinks might be a bit tricky. So to help you out, we will see how to enable WhatsApp Dark Mode in iOS 11 devices.

whatsapp dark mode ios

If you are into dark themes for apps and operating system, you are not alone. Millions around the globe like to use Dark theme in apps as it’s considered by many to be easy on the eye and produces less strain in low-light conditions compared to white theme. I am among those who vouch for dark theme in apps. I tried dark theme on WhatsApp the other day and liked it a lot actually. After having used dark patterns on the layout of Facebook and Facebook Messenger apps, it thought why not try it on WhatsApp. And surprisingly it worked out quite well on the world’s biggest messaging app installed on my phone. So for all you out there who are fans of the dark theme on apps, this is how you can get the dark theme on your iOS 11 powered devices.

whatsapp dark mode iphone and ipad

Enable The Dark Mode for WhatsApp in iOS 11 – iPhone / iPad

First of all, make sure that you iOS 11 device is jailbroken in order to apply the dark theme on your WhatsApp. Official iOS 11 version doesn’t support this feature on WhatsApp as of now. Make sure your device is jailbroken on the latest possible version of iOS 11 to ensure smooth functioning of the app in dark theme. So, if you have latest available iOS 11 jailbreak on your device, follow these steps to enable the dark theme on WhatsApp.

Step 1 – On your jailbroken iOS 11 device, launch Cydia.

Step 2 – In Cydia, locate and add

Step 3 – Now on the list of repos,, find the WhatsApp Dark Mode and install it.

Step 4 – Once installed, open WhatsApp and start using it as normal.

That’s it. This time the app’s interface will be dark with icons and color patterns to match the overall theme, which looks amazing on OLED of iPhone X and Apple’s LCD displays on older devices.

Stay tuned for more great tips, tricks and useful guides. If you are facing issues in implementing the above steps, drop questions in the comments below.